Sexual violence prevention in schools
Our workshops are evidence-based and participatory. They’re designed to help young people explore the issues surrounding sexual violence in a safe and informative environment.
Workshops are broken down into age-appropriate sessions for S1/2, S3/4 and S5/6, with sessions focusing on the following topics:
A safe space for young people to talk openly about and explore how we can use and practice consent in our everyday lives. We will discuss consent as free agreement, without any pressure.
A space for young people to learn more about power influences in sex and relationships. Power dynamics exist in all relationships in society. It’s important to note that we all have power in some ways and less in other ways.
Understanding Sexual Violence
A trauma-informed space for young people to identify sexual violence as any unwanted sexual act. This session builds on the previous work completed on consent/power.
Young people are rarely given the opportunity to learn about sex, so it makes sense that pornography is relied on as a source of information for them. This workshop allows young people to develop critical thinking about the messages and “scripts” that are received in pornography and how mainstream pornography gives us a narrow view of what sex and relationships look like.
All workshops have been designed to complement and contribute towards key aims identified in the Curriculum for Excellence, Getting It Right for Every Child and Equally Safe.
In this section
- Campaigns
- Prevention & activism
- Sexual violence prevention in schools
- 16 Days of Activism
- Bystander Campaign
- International Women's Day
- National Campaigns
- #WisToo
- Campaign Against Sexual Harassment & Intimate Image Abuse
- Access & inclusion
- Young Shetlander presents survey results on perceptions of sexual violence